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GENIUS2X4  6V/12V 4-Bank, 8-Amp (2-Amp Per Bank) Fully-Automatic Smart Charger
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GENIUS2X4 6V/12V 4-Bank, 8-Amp (2-Amp Per Bank) Fully-Automatic Smart Charger
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Price: $269.32

Product Code: GENIUS2X4

Description Why Buy It? Technical Specs
Our 6 store locations may sell for less if you are able to pick up your battery.

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* Includes shipping to any Canadian provinces except Quebec and the Territories, please contact online for shipping information to those locations.


Introducing the all-new GENIUS2X4, making it one of our most powerful, highest-performing, energy-efficient, and compact charger yet. The GENIUS2X4 is a 6-volt and 12-volt two-bank battery charger, battery maintainer, trickle charger, and battery desulfator. It is rated at 8-amps (2-amps per bank) all types of lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, including flooded, gel, and AGM, as well as marine and deep-cycle batteries.

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