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Connect-Ease Outboard Motor Dual Battery Connection Kit 6 AWG
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Connect-Ease Outboard Motor Dual Battery Connection Kit 6 AWG
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Price: $325.42

Product Code: RCE12VBM6PK

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Connect another battery for increased fishing time, power all of your electronics all day with the worry of draining your starting battery.

This unique system allows you to quickly add another battery to your house or starting battery.

Add an RCE12VB4 or RCE124VBF connector to connect your console and extra electronics.

RCE12VBM6PK,Dual Parallel Battery Connection for Boats needed to create more power for running your electronics, live wells, bilge pumps, power poles and more starting battery for Large outboards, battery's draw power from both battery's and will charge together off alternator, or charger at same time. If you need more power and voltage to start, using this product you can run all your electronics, live wells, and bilge pumps off a dual battery setup this is the product to power your boat for longer days on the water without the worry of draining your main battery, always have power you need for spending more time on the water.

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