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Compaq HP RAID Controller - CS-RAC4200SL
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Compaq HP RAID Controller
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Price: $48.95

Product Code: CS-RAC4200SL

Description Technical Specs
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Fit Model:

MSA1000, MSA1510i/MSA20, MSA1510i/MSA30 SCSI, NAS B2000, Smart Array 1000, Smart Array 4200 Controller, Smart Array 500, Smart Array 5300 controller, Smart Array 5302, Smart Array 5304/128

Clsr Svr rx2600 1.3GHz 2GB Sol, Clsr Svr rx2600 1.3GHz 4GB Sol, Clsr Svr rx2600 1.3GHz 8GB Sol, Clsr Svr rx2600 1.5GHz 2GB Sol, Clsr Svr rx2600 1.5GHz 4GB Sol, Clsr Svr rx2600 1.5GHz 8GB Sol, ML350T2 P1266 TV2114, ML570R X700 SP2072, ML570R01 X700 BE2008, ML570T 1X700 ID488705, ML570T 4X700 AGF22529, ML570T 4X700 AGFA15, ML570T 4X700 AGFA16, ML570T 4X700 AGFA83, ML570T 4X700 ID148999, ML570T 4X700 ID286209, MSA1510i iSCSI Controller, Prolaint DL360, ProLiant DL380, ProLiant DL580, ProLiant ML370, ProLiant ML570, rx2600 1.3Ghz channel bundle, rx2600 1.5Ghz channel bundle, StorageWorks MSA1500 HP-UX Dua, StorageWorks MSA1500 HP-UX Dua, StorageWorks MSA1500 HP-UX SAT, StorageWorks MSA1500 HP-UX SCS

Part Number:

106036-B21, 114466-B21, 120978-001, 124992-291, 124992-B21, 124992R-B21, 154314-B21, 154315-B21, 158939-291, 158939-B21, 158939R-291, 158939R-B21, 166207-291, 166207-B21, 166207R-B21, 191084-B21, 201723-B21, 201723-B22, 201723R-B22, 201724-B21, 201724R-B21, 216688-291, 216688-B21, 283551-291, 283551-B21, 283551R-291, 283551R-B21, 283552-291, 283552-B21, 283552R-B21, 295636-291, 295636-B21, 295636R-B21, 295643-291, 322312-001, 322312-421, 322312R-001, 335880-B21, 351281-B21, 351504-B21, 353803-B22, 353804-B21, 353805-B21, 360229-B21, 401026-001, 470003-831, 470003-832, 470003-841, 470007-103, 470008-429, 470008-432, 470008-433, 470009-695, 470012-966, 470013-035, 470013-038, 470013-045, 470013-046, 470013-081, 470013-082, 470013-083, 470013-092, 470013-094, 470013-211, 470013-212, 470013-213, 470013-214, 470013-215, 470013-216, 470013-217, 470013-218, 470013-220, 470013-222, 470013-223, 470015-503, 470019-039, 470020-036, 470023-945, 470025-284, 470025-406, 470025-617, 470027-784, 470027-786, 470028-084, 470030-852, 470031-473, 470031-474, 470031-475, 470031-477, 470031-571, 470031-597, 470033-129, 470033-559, 470036-688, 470037-031, 470037-032, 470043-004, 470043-424, 470047-501, 470047-506, A9793B, A9794B, A9795B, A9796B, A9797B, A9798B, A9825A, A9825AR, A9826A, A9826AR, AA986A, AA986AR, AB209A, AB209AR, AB210A, AB210AR, AB329A, AB329AR, AB330A, AB330AR, AD509A, AD509AR, AD510A, AD510AR, AD511A, AD511AR, AD537A, AD537AR, AD593A, AD593AR, AD594A, AD594AR, AG704A, AG704AR, AG705A, AG705AR, AG706A, AG706AR, AG707A, AG707AR, PSPCEO0Z

106036-B21, 114466-B21, 120978-001, 124992-291, 124992-B21, 124992R-B21, 154314-B21, 154315-B21, 158939-291, 158939-B21, 158939R-291, 158939R-B21, 166207-291, 166207-B21, 166207R-B21, 191084-B21, 201723-B21, 201723-B22, 201723R-B22, 201724-B21, 201724R-B21, 216688-291, 216688-B21, 260740-001, 283551-291, 283551-B21, 283551R-291, 283551R-B21, 283552-291, 283552-B21, 283552R-B21, 295636-291, 295636-B21, 295636R-B21, 295643-291, 322312-001, 322312-421, 322312R-001, 335880-B21, 351281-B21, 351504-B21, 353803-B22, 353804-B21, 353805-B21, 360229-B21, 401026-001, 470003-831, 470003-832, 470003-841, 470007-103, 470008-429, 470008-432, 470008-433, 470009-695, 470012-966, 470013-035, 470013-038, 470013-045, 470013-046, 470013-081, 470013-082, 470013-083, 470013-092, 470013-094, 470013-211, 470013-212, 470013-213, 470013-214, 470013-215, 470013-216, 470013-217, 470013-218, 470013-220, 470013-222, 470013-223, 470015-503, 470019-039, 470020-036, 470023-945, 470025-284, 470025-406, 470025-617, 470027-784, 470027-786, 470028-084, 470030-852, 470031-473, 470031-474, 470031-475, 470031-477, 470031-571, 470031-597, 470033-129, 470033-559, 470036-688, 470037-031, 470037-032, 470043-004, 470043-424, 470047-501, 470047-506, A9793B, A9794B, A9795B, A9796B, A9797B, A9798B, A9825A, A9825AR, A9826A, A9826AR, AA986A, AA986AR, AB209A, AB209AR, AB210A, AB210AR, AB329A, AB329AR, AB330A, AB330AR, AD509A, AD509AR, AD510A, AD510AR, AD511A, AD511AR, AD537A, AD537AR, AD593A, AD593AR, AD594A, AD594AR, AG704A, AG704AR, AG705A, AG705AR, AG706A, AG706AR, AG707A, AG707AR, DL580 G2, PSPCEO0Z

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